About Us

Chinatown Cinema Corporation was inaugurated in 1971 in Australia. Our Business includes film production, the distribution of Hong Kong movies, organization and promotion of pop concerts.

Chinatown Cinema Corporation produced twelve films and also co-produced many others with some Hong Kong reputable movie makers. Amongst some Box Office hits were ‘Love Soldier of Fortune”, “Chungking Express” etc.

For almost a decade Chinatown Cinema Corporation was acting as Sole and Exclusive Agent for famous film companies such as Shaw Bros, Golden Harvest, Cinema City, D&B and Impact etc. We distributed numerous blockbusters of Jet Li’s, Jackie Chan’s Chow Yun Fat’s and the late Bruce Lee’s films.

For pop concerts held in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Singapore and Taiwan, we have had successful concerts with pop celebrities such as Alan Tam, Anita Mui, Leslie Cheung, Roman Tam, George Lam, Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Leon Lai, Aaron Kwok, Faye Wong, Sally Yeh, Sammi Cheng, Kelly Chan, Jenny Tseng, Tsai Chin, Fei Yu Ching, Jeff Chan, Wakin Chau, Elisa Chan, Teresa Carpio, Joey Yung, Eason Chan, May Day etc, etc. We are also experienced organizers of Cantonese operas, acrobatic shows for overseas market.

In September/October 2002, Chinatown Cinema Corporation opened up the first “Carnival on Wheel” market in the Chinese capital of Beijing. This huge multi-million dollar project involved the purchase of numerous heavy equipments required for the sophisticated launching of a mobile ‘carnival’. Every piece of equipment was supported by a safety guarantee, specially trained operators who coached the local staff to effectively handle the machines. The smooth operation of the ‘carnival’ was necessitated by a team of administrators, over 50 Australian engineers and technicians as well as the ‘stall’ operations that provided a wide range of games. We are proud to announce that this venture in Beijing created more than 300 temporary jobs and brought lots of joy to the people. After a successful carnival in Beijing we had then move on to other cities such as Xian, Cheng Du, Shen Yang, Zhongshan, Kunming etc etc.

蕭氏機構由蕭先生於1971年創立於澳大利亞, 主要業務包括電影製作,發行香港電影到世界各地以及舉辦和製作演唱會。由1979年至今已經在澳洲舉辦了超過250場演唱會,規模龐大,體系完善。也深受業內人士好評。 電影出品及發行 在電影出品方面,蕭氏多年來投資製作了多部聞名中外的好片,其中包括有《愛的逃兵》,《飚城》,《江湖接班人》,《妙探雙龍》,《吳三桂與陳圓圓》,《契媽唔易做》,《龍行四海》,《偷神家族》,《黃蜂尾後針》,《赤裸狂奔》,《重慶森林》,《狂野生死戀》等等。 歷年來,蕭氏為香港各大電影公司(包括有邵氏,嘉禾,新藝城,德寶,藝能等)發行以及代理影片到世界各地,深受各地觀眾歡迎,其中最賣座的電影包括《龍門客棧》,《俠女》,《唐山大兄》,《雙龍出海》,《精武門》,《天才與白痴》,《猛龍過江》,《醉拳》,《蛇形刁手》,《師弟出馬》,《男與女》,《垂簾聽政》,《A計劃》,《少林小子》,《英雄本色》,《龍兄虎弟》,《胭脂扣》,《阿郎的故事》 ,《天若有情》,《縱橫四海》,《阮玲玉》,《唐伯虎點秋香》,《花旗少林》,《百變星君》等數百部。而當年李連杰主演的《黃飛鴻》系列以及成龍的《警察故事》系列電影更 成為了西方電影市場所追隨的主流。


在演唱會方面,蕭氏歷年來邀請了不少港台及內陸天皇巨星前往澳紐,歐洲,新加坡以及台灣等各地舉辦大型演唱會,有樂壇至尊譚詠麟,梅艷芳,張國榮,羅文,林子祥;四大天皇張學友,劉德華,黎明,郭富城;天后王菲,葉倩文,鄭秀文,陳慧琳;長青唱家班蔡琴,甄妮,費玉清, 陳潔靈,杜麗莎;實力派唱將周華健,張信哲,李克勤,陳慧嫻,彭羚,許志安,蘇永康;當今樂壇最受歡迎的陳奕迅,容祖儿,謝霆鋒,五月天,方大同,薛凱琪,葉佩雯。蕭氏亦曾邀請多個著名的粵劇團到澳洲演出,包括英寶越劇團的梁醒波,李寶瑩,雛鳳鳴劇團的龍劍笙,梅雪詩和福陞越劇團的羅家英及汪明荃以及黃梅調的凌波。蕭氏的製作也很多元化, 包括了著名的河北雜技團, 以及遠至美國的Fab Four樂隊都曾被邀請來到澳洲演出.


在2002年,蕭氏機構耗資龐大購入多款不同類型的機動遊戲設備,成為澳洲擁有最多最新機動遊戲設備的機構。每項設備、每部機動遊戲均附有安全保證書,由合格技師負責操控,定時進行維修檢查以確保所有機器均能安全運作;而蕭氏機構更僱有專業管理人員負責策劃及安排整體運作,全體工作人員上下一心盡力做到最好,一直保持良好的信譽,是澳洲首屈一指的嘉年華會主辦機構。同年,蕭氏機構把這種巡迴流動嘉年華會的活動移至中國,並於九月至十月期間在首都北京市舉辦了首個成功的流動嘉年華會。嘉年華會提供了多款刺激的成人機動遊戲和有趣的小童遊戲設備,以及多種不同類型的攤位遊戲,為北京市民帶來了不少新奇刺激的玩意和歡樂。大會更在當地聘請及培養三百多名員工,為北京製造了數百個就業機會。蕭氏继而在西安, 鄭州, 昆明, 中山等地進行了一連申的巡迴活動.
